samedi 29 mars 2014


2 commentaires:

  1. Dave Johnson appears here w that guy 7 times. (Th other bb has been croppd out f maybe 7 more pix!) What's th other bb's name?

    Were they lovers? Th pix sure give that impression. Doubt Dave would'v approvd f publishng those pix - if it weren't so...

    What's Dave doing now? Are they still togethr? (Imagine what a feast one could make f a physique like Dave's! Suckng on just one luscious teat would b a treat! But all th rest f him - esp to sic his butt - one could eat all that meat for days - for wks - for yrs!!! [th last remarks r just between us queers!])

  2. Bless Dave Johnson - & his ‘johnson’! Bless the other bb! Bless ALL bodybuilders! Bless all fans of bbs. And while your at it - bless everybody else!

    What the world needs now - what it's always needed, is more blessings, more beauty* & more love. Love freely given & appreciatively received.

    *AND bodybuilders ADD appreciably to the beauty of this world! I'll say! Amen to that!
