mardi 18 septembre 2012


2 commentaires:

  1. Pic # 1....Lucky dog! ;-)
    Sangram oozes testosterone and sex!

  2. Yes! YES! Finally, a really sexy, REALLY BUILT, bb from India! ('Roids have arrived in India, at last?)
    He is from India, isn't he? What city, what state? His height, his weight?
    He's so sexy, Krishna might - SHOULD! - come down to be w him - to cum in him! to fill Sangram to overflowing with Love - & His (Krishna’s) exquisite semen, the transformative Liquid Light of Life! to share his Godhood w him! impart divine wisdom to Sangram, so Sangram could be a pure blessing to his fellow men. (OK. A few women, too. He should father many sons!)
    Or (Gods are notoriously human in their emotions - ever notice that?) Krishna might be so jealous of the ecstaticly free-flowing, deliriously joyous, sex w Sangram, He might carry him off back up into Heaven. To have Sangram all to Himself, alone & apart, to satisfy the desires that arise up from His holy loins, to thrill Himself by installing Sangram alone in His lonely heart! Yes, that's what Krishna should do. What I would do if I were Krishna, wouldn't you?
