mercredi 22 février 2012


2 commentaires:

  1. While he doesn't blow me over - he is very nice. Very nice physique. Striking eyes. In some pix sometimes he's handsome - sometimes not so. (That's why it's always so good to see dozens/scores/even 100s of pix of an individual - to get a better feeling/perspective on his looks AND perhaps his thank you, monsieur 'la perfection faite homme' - for collecting all these pix of all these wonderful guys! some of whom we dream of having as a lover!)
    Just wonder if perhaps he's some gay guy(s) boy toy...?
    Also, I know he's Algerian. Is he Berber? Do the Berbers have Roman blood in their ancestry? Really don't know that much about the Berbers - are there many more hot guys like him down there blistering their bare desirable butts in the sauna of the Sahara?
